Thursday, June 23, 2011

I'm hearing my ancestors say, "I told you so"

I stayed off the internet for pretty much the rest of the day. Of course, I did have a project that kept my wandering fingers from tickling a keyboard or swiping the iPad. While the kids enjoyed they splash, for 3.5 hours I cut fabric letters for a troop banner that must be finished in time for our proud girls scouts to march around the Iron Pigs infield before tomorrow night's game.

Part of Scout night at the Pigs includes a sleep-over in their outfield. We only have a little time to set up my tent after the fireworks are cleared. Then, while the girls kick into their second or third wind, a movie will be shown in the big screen. Lights out as soon as the movie ends. Of course, the girls will discover hand shadow animals, scary stories with flashlights under the chin, and a few gazillion trips to the bathroom.

I'm happy to be able to do this for the girls. I do worry that most of them might be on their first ever sleep over. They might not respect the zippers on the tent. I fear I'll be doing some major repair on it. We can't bring a lot of gear onto the field - so I'm trying to convince my daughter that we can sleep under the starts. They're only giving us 30 minutes to pack up in the morning. Gosh, I'm really trying to find my happy switch for this plan....

Thinking about challenging fate, and seeing now that it's raining. Maybe I need to count on fantastic weather - and all of my worries will wash away with a rain out.

Where's my lucky rabbit's foot?


#7 in the 90in90 #LUBlogTribe challenge. I took Jeremy's advise and "unzipped my heart." Then, I threw up a little in my mouth.

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