Sunday, January 3, 2010

Last day of vacation

Yesterday was a complete waste. But only in the visible way. I stayed in my PJs all day. Finally peeling them off to take a hot bath in some Xmas soap. Too lazy then to identify a respectable appetizer for a friend's party - so we bailed. Kids didn't seem to mind. Neither did husband. But why did I not take some initiative on some level for some thing? Anything?

Of course, I poked into Twitter. Read the headlines on FB. Visit a few apps.... but didn't even read a book.

I know I needed to relax. But why do I feel so guilty about finally doing it?

So now it's Sunday. The last day of holiday break. Tomorrow, the kids go back to school routine. I try to make my routine work again. And I need to get organized. Visibly, tangibly organized. I don't want to keep swimming in visualizations or theory. I need to be on the ground, getting things done.

The most important New Year's Resolution for me will be to set manageable goals and meet them. Minimize the social media so that I only take what I need from it - get out of the lounge lizard mode.

How am I going to raise responsible, successful, confident and happy kids if I can't do this for myself? they're six now. They're noticing.

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