Saturday, June 18, 2011

Another day in paradise

It's been another normal day for the White family. A day of me trying to get things done so I can enjoy the fun time with my kids. After I spent some time on the computer, we started off with a great breakfast of crepes with Nutella and strawberries they picked with their dad yesterday. We planned on making ham & cheese crepe sandwiches with the extras until the dog got to them. By the time we got to the community center pool with regular sandwiches and extra strawberries, we found out they closed the pool because the life guards heard thunder. So we decided to wait it out. Lucky us, we found another kid willing to take turns on air hockey until they let us swim. We got in the pool for about 20 minutes before it started to rain. That was ok - we had sandwiches. After they let us swim some more, it was only 40 minutes before they closed the pool because of more thunder.

I held to my promise. We got to the pool. That's all they needed. Then we had a great time fixing dinner. The kids love cutting and mixing things. I'm still learning how to work with two eager 8 year olds and one foot of counter space. Chicken shepherd's pie, salad with home made honey dressing, and the strawberry crumble were ready just in time for dad to come home from work.

I cleaned up quick to get to the film festival. So grateful that I have a husband who supports my interests in getting out to community events. Of course, I think about the kids and my husband as I watch a film about the destructive greed of a coal company. I don't know if the kids remember living so close to some wind turbines back in Bowling Green, OH - but I'm proud to say that we did. The second film of the night was a sad tale about surviving a terrorist bombing. Don't know how I would live with a situation like that without feeling incredibly unforgiving anger. Relieved to know that the festival showed a second screening of a film I knew would give me a good laugh. Blessed to see so many friends sharing the same laughs.

Came home to a quiet house with the laundry done. I know the family didn't put it all away. I know I still have ironing to do. I still see the floors that need sweeping. But the kids did what I asked them all day. They left me alone in the morning to write. They put their clothes away. They practiced their instruments. They vacuumed the family room. They watered the animals. They helped me cook. And they didn't ask for rewards. This is why I willingly give them. Not big ones - just a few quarters and a chance to go online on their own. And I let them wrestle in their rooms. And I don't harp on them to clean it up... until I can't walk to their beds to kiss them good night.

The real paradise is from my husband. He comes home with a case of Flying Fish beer. He asks me how our day was. He asks me how the conference was. He knows it's important to me to be able to get out of the house to see some films. He doesn't nag me about staying up late. He lets me sleep in a little. He does all the heavy lifting when he shouldn't. I still haven't trained him to fold the laundry properly. But I know that I live in paradise. Every day.

#2 for 90in90 #LUBlogTribe

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